Welcome to beavercrest community school

Welcome to Beavercrest Community School! Beavercrest Community School is a very special place that provides many exciting opportunities for all students. Our school community of caring adults, parents, community partners and staff all play a key role in ensuring that we are able to provide an excellent educational experience in a safe, supportive and engaging environment. Everything we do at our school is guided by our belief statements and code of conduct.

At Beavercrest Community School we
· treat others the way we like to be treated.
· act in ways that make ourselves, our families and our school proud.
· act in ways that show appreciation of difference and individuality
· show respect for others, ourselves, our community and our environment.
· value effort, perseverance and strive to do our best.  
· know that kindness matters.

At Beavercrest we work hard and we play hard, while at the same time practicing the Bluewater character attributes of respect, responsibility, honesty, trust, caring, self-discipline, dependability, commitment, teamwork and integrity. We combine this by practicing the seven Grandfather teachings: Respect, Honesty, Bravery, Love, Integrity, Wisdom, and Truth.  As a school community, we believe that we have a responsibility to educate the whole child. Each month, we focus on a Character Trait and one of the Grandfather Teachings. Our goal is to educate students who are as happy and successful as they are kind and caring.

If you want to be part of a warm, caring and exciting learning environment that will inspire you and challenge you to become the best that you can be, come to Beavercrest Community School.
Yours in Learning,
Tennille Schultz



Render drawings and Site Plans have been posted to Bluewater District School Board’s website, New Build - Beavercrest. More information about the new build will be posted as it becomes available. 

Stay informed about our new school by regularly checking the following link:
LINK:  Beavercrest New Build

Ontario Builds Logo



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